Mannequin Specification & Price In Nigeria

Displaying merchandise is very important in the retail business. Doing this shows your customers and prospects the latest designs in your store. This helps you to attract patronage and increase your revenue.
One of the best ways to display merchandise is to make use of mannequins. The question that begs an answer here is, “how much do mannequins cost in Nigeria?” We will answer this question in this post. Let’s get started.
What are Mannequins?
The artificial dolls used by retailers to display their merchandise (which can be anything) are called as mannequins. The mannequins help the customers to know about the latest trend the store offers without sometimes even bothering the sales representative. It is the attractive mannequin that pulls the customer into the store.
Mannequin Specification & Price In Nigeria
Mannequins are also called dummies or dolls. They come in all kinds of shapes and sizes and are made from a variety of materials. We have gone through the trouble of searching the market on your behalf to check for their prices. In this section, we will list the different kinds of mannequins on the Nigerian market along with their prices.
Complete Male White And Gold Mannequin NGN121,000
Headless Male Mannequin With Detachable Hand NGN36,000
Backless Plastic Male Mannequin – Black NGN3,700
Headless Female Mannequin With Detachable Hands NGN24,466
Big Hip Headless And Armless Female Mannequin NGN20,467
Puff Shoulder Fully Pinnable Dress Form Mannequin NGN92,465
White Children Mannequin (age 6) NGN19,900
Complete Kids Children Mannequin NGN21,000
Well, Shaped Fully Pinnable Dress Form Mannequins NGN32,000
Armless Female Mannequin With Big Hips NGN20,000
Brown Male Waist Mannequin NGN25,000
Male Padded Wooden Mannequin NGN27,000
Padded Male Mannequin With Head And Wooden Stand NGN30,000
Female Half Body Display Mannequin Black NGN14,000
Armless And Headless Female Mannequin NGN17,000
Kids Half Body Display Mannequin Dress Form(padded) NGN20,000
Flesh Plastic Female Head Display Mannequin NGN5,000
Headless & Handless Male Mannequin NGN35,000
Half Body Plastic Female Mannequin NGN17,000
Purpose of Mannequins
- Mannequins are used to highlight the unique collections of the store.
- Mannequins display the latest trends in fashion and influence the customers to buy the particular merchandise.
- Mannequins attract customers into the store and thus increase the revenue and profit.
- Mannequins are also responsible for upselling at the retail store.
What is Up Selling?
Upselling is a sales mechanism where the sales representative strives hard to convince the customers to buy extra items or expensive merchandise and thus increases the revenue of the store. The entire credit goes to the sales representative in case of upselling who influences the customers to take home additional and expensive merchandise in addition to what they are already buying.
- A customer goes to a retail store to buy a watch worth x rupees. The sales representative through his unique presentation skills convinces the customer to buy another model worth y rupees where y > x.
- A customer might go to purchase a single pair of footwear. It is upselling when the salesman influences the customer to buy two pairs instead of one.
How do Mannequins help in upselling?
Mannequins help the customers to understand what would look good on them. The customer might not understand how a particular bag would look with a particular dress or for that matter which fashion jewellery would add elegance to a particular outfit.
The retailer must smartly decide the entire look of the mannequin.
Sandra went to buy a nice dress for her office party. The mannequin wearing a blue dress at a retail store immediately caught her attention and she decided to buy it. The retailer sensibly also added a blue neckpiece and a trendy clutch to the mannequin for the complete look.
Sandra was not very sure what she wanted to wear along with the dress. The moment she saw the mannequin she knew what would look good on her. Not only did she purchase the dress but also the neckpiece along with the clutch. An example of upselling. Sometimes you can’t decide what would look good on you; a mannequin helps you decide the same.
Points to be considered while choosing a Mannequin
- Make sure the mannequin is not too heavy.
- The shape and size of the mannequin must be according to your target market.
- The mannequins must not act as an object or obstacle.
- It should never be kept at the entrance or the exit door as it blocks the way of potential buyers.
- The clothes should look properly fitted on the mannequin. Avoid using unnecessary pins.
- Carefully select what you want your mannequin to wear.
- Change the position of the mannequins frequently.
- The mannequins should not be dirty or have unwanted stains.
- The clothes on the mannequins should be according to the season and changed at regular intervals to avoid monotony.
Types of Mannequins In Nigeria
- Abstract Mannequins
- Headless Mannequins
- Realistic Mannequins
- Tailors Dummies
- Display Forms
There you have it for the prices of mannequins in Nigeria. Note that these prices may vary slightly depending on your location and the vendor.