Top 10 Best Blood Tonic Brands in Nigeria & Price in Nigeria

A Blood Tonic is an ingredient possessing medicinal properties intended to rejuvenate or revitalize. It’s a term that refers to using a supplement or liquid that can be used medicinally to enhance general well-being, and not only when treating an illness.
Blood tonics, in turn, is a supplement that can help produce more blood cells within the body. It is a drug that aids the body in building its red blood cell. Red blood cells play numerous critical bodily functions, among which is transporting oxygen to all tissues in the body to allow them to work in an appropriate way. This is why fatigue is felt by those who suffer from fatigue when their red blood cells are not functioning correctly.
Red blood cells are believed to be deficient when the blood volume is less than 30 percent. The most common cause is thought to as anemia. Most people have red blood cells ranging from 40-55%.
The essential elements that must be found in foods to help the body create red blood cells are Iron, folic acid, and vitamin B complex. Vitamin C is essential to ensure that Iron is absorbed quickly. A balanced diet is vital for the body’s production of red blood cells. The components that makeup blood can be made into a blood-tonic which is easily absorbed for the benefit of the body to those who require these as supplements.
Active components are found in Blood Tonics.
The exact recipe for blood tonics could differ. However, they usually include Iron, and many vitamins, including vitamin C, Folic acid Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin), Thiamine, and nicotinamide. Pyridoxine and Riboflavin, among others.
Benefits and uses of blood Tonic
One of the main benefits of a blood tonic is to treat patients suffering from anemia. Anemia is a medical issue that causes blood to be not stocked with enough red blood cells. They are the primary source of oxygen throughout the body. Insufficient circulation of oxygen can lead to feelings of fatigue and weakness when a person suffers from anemia.
Women with pregnancies.
The unborn baby absorbs Iron, folic acid, and Vitamin B complex from the mother’s blood via the placenta and the umbilical cord. The baby utilizes these elements to make the red blood cells develop appropriately. Therefore, the mother needs to eat more food, drink more, and take tablets or tonics to replenish the elements since they are consumed in a baby. Best products for blood tonic
Post-Blood transfusion.
Some risks come with blood transfusion. To reduce the risk, the blood is transferred to boost the number of red blood cells by 30% or just a bit higher. Furthermore, the body’s production of red blood cells is enhanced through the prescription of tablets or blood tonics.
It is not recommended to take a blood tonic When
Malaria/active bacterial infections.
Iron tablets and certain bacteria help to increase the development of malaria parasites. The disease may not be eliminated when Iron, either in the form of a blood tonic, or tablet, is consumed with antimalarial or antibiotic medication. Top 10 Top Nursing Schools in Nigeria and their locations
Top 10 Best Blood Tonic Brands in Nigeria & Price in Nigeria
There are a lot of blood tonic brands utilized across Nigeria. However, it is essential to note that not all are as effective as they should be.
Several blood tonics make an impact. We will discuss the top ten (10) brands in no particular order. We will also review some important aspects that help make them stand out.
Astyfer Blood Tonic
Astyfer is a mild iron supplement containing Vitamin B complex and amino acids. It is designed to supply your body with the right amount of Iron while remaining soft on your stomach.
It provides a fantastic source of Iron, as well as other nutrients that are required to produce red blood cells. They aid the body in maintaining vitality, energy levels, and overall health.
Astyfer aids in the process of gaining weight through the stimulation of appetite. It assists in treating anemia during pregnancy as well as for children.
In plain language, the benefits to the health of Astyfer can be found in but are not restricted to:
- Helps relieve irritation caused by gastric ulcers.
- Increases bio-availability of Iron
- It doesn’t cause constipation.
- Free of gastric irritation
- This prevents drug dumping
- Assists in the proper development of the fetus during pregnancy.
- Liquid Iron Blood Tonic
Liquid Iron is utilized to treat and prevent deficiencies in Iron and megaloblastic anemia resulting from a lack of Vitamin B12, Iron, and folate.
Chemiron Blood Tonic
Chemiron Blood Tonic is believed to be the best of Nigeria’s blood-nourishing formula. It has Vitamin B12, Ferrous Gluconate and folic acid, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B1 as active ingredients. Chemiron Blood Tonic can be used to treat anemia in pregnancy, treat thiamine deficiency, treat neurological conditions, and avoid heart issues and convulsions. It also helps with mental problems as well as complications during pregnancy. Homocystinuria and other medical conditions include treatment for neural tube abnormalities in infants who are not yet born.
Chemiron Blood Tonic is used to gain weight by boosting appetite and is given to patients recovering from an illness or surgery.
Feroglobin blood tonic
Feroglobin Liquid sweet honey with a lovely liquid orange Liquid iron formula with nutrients that aid in maintaining well-being and vitality. It also contains folate that aids in the prevention of fatigue.
It contains an iron citrate complex with organic forms to aid in more excellent absorption. This is gentle on the stomach. It is also enriched with B vitamins.
Feroglobin Liquid is a source of Iron which is responsible for the average production of blood red cells, hemoglobin, and the normal movement of oxygen throughout the body.
Jawaron Blood Tonic
Jawaron tonic is yet another blood tonic manufacturer in Nigeria. It is produced by the body’s platelets, blood cells, and blood, and thus, average growth is maintained by the metabolism of carbohydrates. It prevents deficiency of vitamin B2 by supporting the various tissues in the body. It also keeps the blood sugar levels within normal levels, thus producing antibodies and hemoglobin, treating deficiencies in vitamin B12, and aiding tissues in the respiration and metabolism of fats.
Vitabiotics Blood Tonic
Vitabiotics are a tonic rich in organic Iron and Vitamin B12, crucial to creating hemoglobin and folic acids, a different B vitamin that assists Iron’s absorption.
Astymin Blood Tonic
Astymin blood tonic can be beneficial for infants and women who are expecting. Its components include essential vitamins such as vitamins A, C, and E and Folic acid, which perform crucial functions in the body. They aid in helping to keep health and vitality, specifically in the context of preventing nutritional anemia. The growth of healthy cells, energy release, and protection of immunity can be maintained with the help of Plus B-complex vitamins. Because of its high content of amino acids, Astymin can also be taken to increase weight gain and aid in building up an appetite and appetite.
Bunto Blood Tonic
Bunto Blood Tonic is used to treat eyesight problems and megaloblastic anemias caused by deficiencies in Folic acid and Vitamin B12 and excessive cholesterol and diarrhea, a higher requirement for folate in your body in pregnancy. It is also used to treat anemias that result from nutrition, such as iron deficiency anemia in infancy and deficiency in vitamin b12 and Thiamine deficiency, pernicious anemia, and various other conditions.
Bunto Blood Tonic comprises the main ingredients Folic Acid and Ferric Ammonium Citrate, Nicotinamide, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, and Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine).
Vitaglobin blood tonic
It is specifically designed for strength, energy, and power. The unique combination of ingredients gives you the necessary amount of Iron in its organic form, Vitamin B12, which includes folic acids, Vitamin B Complex, and Minerals. Vitaglobin Liquid is deliciously flavored with Malt and natural Honey and is widely acclaimed in Nigeria.
Blood Tonic HB12
Iron and vitamin B12 are present as hemoglobin and cyanocobalamin, respectively.
In conclusion
Blood tonics are essential for health, provided you choose the correct dosages and brands. They are available commercially as tea or syrup. In general, small amounts of commercially-produced syrups are advised to be consumed twice a day by menstrual and anemic women or any person who needs to boost blood flow. Additionally, dried roots and other ingredients used to make the tonic can be purchased in a loose form and then made into a tea by mixing them into hot water.