Complete Guide: Osun State Postal Code

he postal code range for Osun State is from 220001 – 234103, with 234001 specifically designated as the code for the NIPOST Headquarters. Osun State is situated in the South West Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria.
For more details on the list of ZIP codes or Postal codes in Osun State, find the code along with the LGA or location.
List of Local Government Areas in Osun State
- Osogbo
- Aiyedaade
- Aiyedire
- Atakunmosa East
- Atakunmosa West
- Boluwaduro
- Boripe
- Ede North
- Ede South
- Egbedore
- Ejigbo
- Ife Central
- Ife East
- Ife North
- Ife South
- Ifedayo
- Ifelodun
- Ila
- Ilesa East
- Ilesa West
- Irepodun
- Irewole
- Isokan
- Iwo
- Obokun
- Odo Otin
- Ola Oluwa
- Olorunda
- Oriade
- Orolu
Postal Code for Osun State
Location | LGA | Postcode |
Ada | Boripe | 231007 |
Apomu | Isokan | 221004 |
Ede | Ede North | 232001 |
Ejigbo | Ejigbo | 232003 |
Ekosin | Odo-Otin | 231011 |
Erin Osun | Irepodun | 230004 |
Erinmo | Oriade | 233008 |
Esa Oke | Obokun | 233010 |
Gbongan | Aiyedade | 221001 |
Iba | Ifelodun | 231006 |
Ibokun | Obokun | 233006 |
Ife tedo | Ife South | 222007 |
Ifewara | Oriade | 233003 |
Ifon Osun | Orolu | 233003 |
Igbajo | Boluwaduro | 231009 |
Igbaye | Odo-Otin | 231004 |
Ijebu Jesa | Oriade | 233004 |
Ikeji Iie | Oriade | 233011 |
Ikire | Irewole | 221003 |
Ikirun | Ifelodun | 231005 |
Ila Orangun | Ila | 234001 |
Ile Ife | Ife East | 220001 |
Ile Ife | Ife Central | 220007 |
Ile Ogbo | Aiyedire | 232002 |
Ilesa | Ilesa West | 233001 |
Ilobu | Irepodun | 230002 |
Iloko | Oriade | 233012 |
Imest Ile | Obokun | 233007 |
Inisa | Odo-Otin | 231003 |
Ipetu Jesa | Oriade | 231005 |
Irabliji | Boripe | 231007 |
Iree | Boripe | 231008 |
Iresi | Boluwaduro | 231010 |
Iwo | Iwo | 232005 |
Modakake | Ife East | 220003 |
Moro | Ife North | 220006 |
OAU | Ife Central | 220005 |
Ode Omu | Aiyedade | 221002 |
Oke Ila | Ifedayo | 234003 |
Okuku | Odo-Otin | 231001 |
Olla | Ejigbo | 232004 |
Olode | Ife South | 220004 |
Ora Igbomina | Ifedayo | 234004 |
Orile Owu | Aiyedade | 221005 |
Osogbo | Osogbo | 230001 |
Osu | Atakunmosa West | 233002 |
Otan Ayegbaju | Boluwaduro | 233002 |
Oyan | Odo-Otin | 231002 |
Temidire Imadin | Ilesa West | 233009 |
Osun State Postcode by LGA
LGA | Postcode |
Aiyedaade | 221101 – 221103 |
Aiyedire | 232015 – 232106 |
Atakunmosa East | 233110 – 233113 |
Atakunmosa West | 233102 – 233109 |
Boluwaduro | 231116 – 231118 |
Boripe | 231112 – 231115 |
Ede North | 232101 |
Ede South | 232102 – 232103 |
Egbedore | 232104 – 232111 |
Ejigbo | 232116 – 232119 |
Ife Central | 220211 – 220282 |
Ife East | 220251 – 220266 |
Ife North | 220101 – 220381 |
Ife South | 220108 – 220115 |
Ifedayo | 234102 – 234103 |
Ifelodun | 231108 – 231119 |
Ila | 234101 |
Ilesa East | 233211 – 233283 |
Ilesa West | 233211 – 233283 |
Irepodun | 251101 – 251104 |
Irewole | 221104 |
Isokan | 221105 – 221106 |
Iwo | 232101 – 232102 |
Obokun | 233122 – 233130 |
Odo Otin | 231101 – 231107 |
Ola Oluwa | 232107 – 232115 |
Olorunda | 230105 |
Oriade | 233114 – 233381 |
Orolu | 230102 |
Osogbo | 230211 – 23028 |
Osun State Post Office
Office | Address | City | LGA |
Ada | along ibokun rd ada | Ada | Boripe |
Apomu | Lagbaja road, Apomu | Apomu | Isokan |
DADA Estate | olorunsogo area, osogbo | Osogbo | egbedore |
Ede BO | off railway line ede | Ede | Ede North |
Ede | Agboko str ede | Ede | Ede North |
Edun Abon | oke ode road edun abon | Edun Abon | Ife North |
Ejigbo | oba akinjole way ejigbo | Ejigbo | Ejigbo |
Ekosin | Igbajo rd Ekosin | Ifon | Odo – Otin |
Erin Osun | Akogun str erin osun | Erin | Irepodun – Osun |
Erinmo | odo oja erinmo | Erinmo | Oriade |
Esa-Oke | ketepe hill off roun about esa oke | Esa-oke | Obokun |
Gbongan | Adenuga area Gbogan | Gbongan | Aiyedade |
Iba | market rd Iba | Iba | Ifelodun (Osun) |
Ibokun | round about ibokun | Ijesa land | Obokun |
Ife B O | lagere/iremo road | Ile-Ife | Ife Central |
Ifetedo | Baba akodi str | Ifetedo | Ife South |
Ifewara | Atiba street ifewara | Ifewara | Atakumosa West |
Ifon Osun | Bolorunduro area ifon osun | Ifon | Orolu |
Igbajo | palace sq igbajo | Igbajo | Boluwaduro |
Igbaye | faaji str igbaye | Igbaye | Odo – Otin |
Ijebu jesa | odo ese str, ijebu ijesa | Ijesa | Oriade |
Ikeji-Ile | A1,Oke oja str, ikeji ile | Ijesa | Oriade |
Ikire | Ayedade road, ikire | Ikire | Irewole |
Ikirun | station ikirun | Ikirun | Ifelodun (Osun) |
Ila-Orangun | palace area ila | Ila-Orangun | Ila |
ilare | oba’s palace ilare | ilare | obokun |
Ile-ife | Enuwa sq iremo road | Ile- Ife | Ife East |
Ile-Ogbo | oja ale street ile ogbo | Ile-ogbo | Aiyedire |
Ilesa | Market sq round about ilesha | Ilesa | Ilesha West |
Ilobu | dagbolu street ilobu | Ilobu | Irepodun – Osun |
Iloko | near maternity centre, iloko | Ijesa land | Oriade |
Imadin | Along osogbo road,AE,28,odeyemi str ilesha | Imadin | Ilesha West |
Imesi | odo obi, imesi ile | Imesi | Obokun |
Inisa | Ekosin rd inisa | Inisa | Odo – Otin |
Ipetu Ijesa | iloro street ipetu ijesa | Ilesa | Oriade |
Ipetumodu | ipetu modu road | Ipetumodu | Ife North |
Iragbiji | along ada road iragbiji | Iragbiji | Boripe |
Iree | ila orangun road iree | Iree | Boripe |
Iresi | along otan ayegbaju rd | Iresi | Boluwaduro |
Iwara | beside state hosp ifewara | Iwara | Ilesha West |
Iwo | 6,ibadan rd iwo | Iwo | Iwo |
Kuta | Ikoyi road kuta | Kuta | Aiyedire |
Modakeke | Itamerin road, modakeke | modakeke | Ife East |
Moro | ipetu modu road, moro | Moro | Ife North |
OAU Teaching hospital | oau,teach.hosp premises,along ilesa rd,ife | ile ife | Ife Central |
OAU | OAU Campus | OAU | Ife Central |
Odeomu | Obada area, ode omu | Odeomu | Aiyedade |
Okuku | along Ilorin road okuku | Okuku | Odo – Otin |
Olla | Ejigbo road olla | Olla | Ejigbo |
Olode | Abdulsalim Street, Olode | Olode | Ife South |
Ora | igbomina market ora | Ora | Ifedayo |
Orile Owu | oju oja area, orile owu | Orile Owu | Aiyedade |
Osogbo | station Road osogbo | Osogbo | Osogbo |
Osu | Oke oja ife road, osu | Ijesa land | Atakumosa West |
Osun Poly | poly campus iree | Iree | Boripe |
osun state coll of education | ife road ilesa | ilesa | Ilesha West |
osun state coll of tech | opp bola ige house, esa oke | Esa-oke | Obokun |
Ota – Efun | New ikirun road osogbo | Osogbo | olorunda |
Otan Ayegbaju | ila orangun rd otan ayegbaju | Otan Ayegbaju | Boluwaduro |
Oyan | Ila road oyan | Oyan | Odo – Otin |